Body building has conducted for the past so many years and has produced famous body builders with regular routine trends. The researches have shown by the growth of time, it is important and better to adopt new trends with legal steroids. These trends and practices have been worked on by several professionals and proved to be better than the old ones. These are more yielding and better in practice. These trends are mentioned as below:
1. In old pattern, reps of 8 to 12 times were taken as traditional, but the new way is the blend of low high and medium reps randomly. It has proved to be more effective this way.
2. Traditionally it was believed that practice of sets should be continued till it turns a failure. The new method is to leave 1 rep so as to continue othersets make body continue grow.
3. It was believed that cardio should be carried while the stomach is empty. But the new research claims that cardio functions in both cases, whether you are fed or fasting, so continue to do cardio whenever you can.
4. Traditionally, it was assumed that 6 small meals per day is efficient for the body builder. But the new pattern shows that whether the meal is three or six times. The quality is more important than quantity, that is staple food should be protein and calories anyway.
5. Traditionally supplements were takenfor all muscles to build up. A plenty of them, alternatively for different purposes were taken for muscle build up. But actually caffeine, beta-alanine and creatine monohydrate have proved to be the best source for muscles growth.
All these are the cream of the new trends. The personal trainers are all engaged in discovering new and effective methods of body buildings that are less painful and easier to continue for a longer time period. Supplements were and still good friend of body builders. Alongwith good diet plan, and regular basic exercises, supplements have proven to be boosters of energy and have always helped in muscles growth. The stamina that is required might get low in natural food intake, or sometimes body builders skip meals and take it easy. But in reality, it is very important to continue the line of food intake and regular exercises in routine so as to make body fit for further steps in field of body building.
Body building need to stay calm and fit, so they don’t hurt themselves by overdoing any exercises or take extra dosage of supplements as it may count in abuse. Body builders need to grow gradual so that their body stays fit and strong for prolonged time.